Making healthy Easter traditions

Easter is around the corner which for many means a chocolate and hot cross bun binge in between family catch ups. Hey, it’s all part of the festivities, right?

Healthy Easter traditions

This year, why not consider making a few healthy Easter traditions instead? I know all too well it’s easy to get caught up in the commercial hype of the holiday, especially when you have kids.

But there are a few tweaks you can make that will ensure you have a more wholesome Easter within the sugar and additive highs and lows. Here are some healthy Easter traditions for you to try:

1. Make your own hot cross buns

Healthy Easter Traditions

Not only are commercial hot cross buns high in sugar, but they are also made with highly processed flours and packed with emulsifiers, preservatives, thickeners, sweeteners and flavourings. In fact, some have over 30 ingredients in those little buns!

If you are looking to buy hot cross buns, look for ones with the least amount of ingredients and ingredients that you know. If you can’t find it in your pantry, you don’t need it in your bun.

Or, why not give making your own hot cross buns a go as one of your new healthy Easter traditions. This year, I’m going to try The Wholefood Collective’s Gluten-Free & Gut Healthy Hot Cross Buns and these Healthy Hot Cross Buffins from Well Nourished (as pictured above).

2. Choose healthier chocolate eggs

For me, Easter isn’t the same without chocolate. I love having a hunt with the kids and I have a sweet tooth. But I defiantly prefer quality over quantity and now there are heaps of good quality, healthier chocolate eggs on the market it’s much easier to steer clear of the cheap chocolate you find in the supermarket.

As with the commercial hot cross buns, you’ll find most Easter eggs contain colours, flavours, preservatives, thickeners and emulsifiers on top of the sugar. It’s these additives and sugar that send your children into the world of the sillys and result in terrible tantrums.

The other downside is all the foil wrapping comes with the eggs, especially if you’re buying bags of the mini eggs.

If chocolate is a big part of your Easter, in making healthy Easter traditions try:

  • Opt for plain chocolate eggs or bunnies rather than flavoured or lolly-filled;

  • Choose ones with the least amount of ingredients;

  • Choose ones without additives;

  • Reduce the quantity of chocolate (see my tips below);

  • Purchase wrapper-free chocolates (see my suggestions below).

A couple of my favourite brands for chocolate eggs and bunnies are Organic Times, Loving Earth’s Boobook Chocolate Eggs and the Carob Kitchen’s Banjo range.

3. Experiment with homemade chocolate

One of the most fun healthy Easter traditions is making your own Easter eggs. This is not only a great way to get in the kitchen with your kids (although it can be a bit messy) but also a way to ensure you’re not bringing processed food into your home.

There are heaps of recipes on the internet you can try with some only requiring just a few ingredients. I’m going to experiment with Sam Wood’s filled Easter Eggs and these delicious Dark Chocolate Eggs featured on Honest To Goodness.

4. Select wrapper-free chocolates

healthy easter traditions
healthy easter traditions

There are plenty of quality wrapper-free chocolates on the market that can replace the commercial, colourful eggs.

You’ll find Loving Earth’s caramel filled Boobook chocolate eggs at many bulk food stores such as my local Valerie’s Pantry or health food stores. These are vegan, dairy-free and gluten-free.

Who says your healthy easter traditions need to include traditional bunnies and eggs? Head to your local bulk food to discover the range of loose chocolates. The Source have a great range of zero-waste confectionary as pictured above which you can buy as much or as little as you need. Our favourite are the freeze-dried dark chocolate strawberries - delish!!

Sure many of these are still filled with sugar, but most contain quality ingredients when compared to the commercial Easter chocolate. You also may find you won’t need to eat as many of these to get your chocolate fix.

So, a healthy Easter tradition that looks after your body and the environment!

5. Go chocolate free (or limit the amount)

For most children, the excitement lies in the Easter hunt and spending time with family. The chocolate is just a bonus.

If your child isn’t so fussed with chocolate, limiting or going chocolate free this Easter may not be an issue. However, if chocolate is a big part of your festivities, a little more thought may be required to get your kids over the line in adopting these healthy Easter traditions.

Tips to reduce the amount of chocolate this Easter:

  • Swap the Easter hunt for a scavenger hunt with clues to find the prize at the end.

  • Arrange a visit from the Easter Fairy where the more eggs the kids leave out for the fairy, the more they receive in return such as a pair of PJ’s, craft supplies, books, stickers etc.

  • For the young ones, hide colourfully painted rocks in the garden. Count how many they find and exchange them for an Easter surprise of your choice.

  • Allocate a set number of eggs to each child and avoid leaving out or consuming extra chocolate eggs over the holidays.

  • Choose darker chocolate – your children are likely to consume less dark chocolate eggs than they will milk or white chocolate. They also tend to contain significantly less sugar.

  • Stock up on healthy whole foods and prepare them so they are ready for when hunger strikes.

6. Keep healthy mealtime

Healthy Easter traditions

One of the easier healthy Easter traditions to introduce to your family is maintaining healthy meal times.

Instead of enjoying a breakfast of hot cross buns, croissants and pancakes, consume a healthy meal. Make eggs with veggies or a bircher with seasonal fruits.

Adopt the traditional Good Friday lunch of fish paired with roasted veggies or a fresh salad.

By ensuring your meal times are filled with nutritious, whole foods you’ll have more chance of riding out the sugar crashes and avoiding chocolate binges.